Thursday 25 November 2010

Barry M

Ok, so i'm pretty lazy and want to do more studies and things to improve my basics, for example i absolutely hate drawing hands and i'm rubbish at them, so i'm gonna work more on those, i did a few sketches today but nothing enough to merit posting i guess.
I also want to work on things like lighting, colour, shape and form, and those kind of things, so i think i should do a few more simple still life digital paintings, and maybe the odd one i take my time on.
So heres one i did roughly of my nail varnish.
I did have it without the original line layer on, but i quite liked it with it overlayed, so left it there

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Collaberation blog

Not sure if i've posted about this here yet, but go and check out the 3rd year collaberation blog from students in my year group, some cool stuff there :)

Monday 22 November 2010

The Tsimtsum

Quick note to say that the Kaplan entry i did (the second entry with the house, hills trees, dinosaur and hot air balloon) was selected to be the front cover of the calender, so i'm pretty pleased :D It's posted a little lower down.

Here's an image of the Tsimtsum cargo ship as it was sinking, from the book Life of Pi.

Saturday 20 November 2010


Hopefully gonna screen print this at some point!

Thursday 18 November 2010

Hyenas and Tigers and Ships oh my

Edited the hyena a bit
Sinking Tsimtsum cargo ship WIP, also from The Life of Pi. not yet finished....stuff on the ship is missing etc
Richard Parker the tiger from The Life of Pi, line work, i'm thinking screen printing a series of it, in maybe 3 colour printing or something, also a t shirt maybe? Hmm
I quite like him anyway

Saturday 13 November 2010


Erm well, i've done some more, but im thinking its looking not that great hmm probably needs a lot of tweaking, and obviously better boat lines.
I think i kind of rathered it splodgy coloured only half done

Thursday 11 November 2010

Life of Pi

Hey there, i've been reading the Life of Pi by Yann Martel, which is really good.
I've been doing a bunch of thumbnails of some layouts, heres one im working on atm, of the hyena on the life raft, using it as painting practice too. So below are a few markery and pencil sketches to work out the shapes, the marker one looks more like Badger's dog Bongo


Hyena Sketches

Developing a thumbnail

Sooo, i'll finish this and work on some more i think!


Hallo, for the purpose of the Kaplan calender brief ( a local company that pays 3rd year students annually to make a calender, submitting images and theyll choose the ones they like) i entered 2 images, but needed them to be slightly wider to fit the brief's size specifications, so here are my images!

Saturday 6 November 2010


One of the first times i've coloured something entirely traditionally for a number of years.

Friday 5 November 2010

Colours added

Crappy camera phone picture, but i've made a start painting!

Thursday 4 November 2010

sketchbook doodles

Variety of doodles from my sketch book i hadn't scanned yet
Thought i'd try painting this one with gouache if i can, but scanned first so i have a version of the lines incase i wreck it!
half finished rendering at the hunterian....well not even half....just a fin
fighter pilot girl
face doodles
miscellanious objects, cars, etc
half finished bird rendering, i can't find the reference to finish it, boo